2020 HHS All-School Reunion Schedule
May 22 - May 25, 2020
Friday, May 22
5:00 pm Registration opens, HJHS hallway
6:30 pm Dogfest/Minute-to-Win-It Games begin, Odd-Year grad teams vs. Even-Year grad teams
9:00 pm Karaoke at the American Legion Hall--BYOB and all your favorite tunes, and more
Saturday, May 23:
8:00 am American Cancer Society Benefit Breakfast, American Legion Hall--Free-Will Donation
Registration continues, American Legion Hall
10:00 am Reunion Parade--from the football field parking lot to Downtown Hooker
2:00 pm Class Photos begin, HJHS Gym and HHS Auditorium--check final schedule for time
Order a copy of your 5x7 class photo on the form in your event bag
5:30 pm Reunion Dinner, school cafeteria--catered by Oklahoma Smoke
7:00 pm Reunion Program at the HHS Auditorium--Free admission with registration or $5 at the door
9:00 pm "Footloose" Homecoming Dance--sponsored by the Class of 1990
Sunday, May 24:
Worship at the church of your choice
11:30 am Hooker Senior Citizens Benefit Meal, American Legion Hall, catered by Oklahoma Smoke
1:30 pm Reunion Golf Tournament, Blackmer Municipal Golf Course
Monday, May 25:
11:00 AM Hooker American Legion Traditional Memorial Day Ceremony, Hooker Cemetary