2020 HHS Reunion
Registration Page
See all you can do during reunion weekend
* Plan a class get together! * Say "cheese" along with your classmates Saturday
* Support cancer research and patient services afternoon and get your own 5 x 7 class picture.
at the American Cancer Society benefit An order form will be in your event bag.
breakfast on Saturday. * Enter the "Lookin' Back" golf tournament.
* Support the Hooker Senior Citizens at their Watch for more details.
benefit meal Sunday after church, and * Remember all those we've lost at the Memorial Day
invite all your friends. ceremony Monday at 11 am at the Hooker Cemetery.
scroll down to register and pay online or print and mail your registration
registration fee includes reunion t-shirt & event bag, banquet meal ticket, free admission to program
Registration fee: $35.00 through April 1st. After April 1st $40.00
Meal tickets only: $12.00 through April 1st. After April 1st $15.00